Idaho MPH Degree + Online Master’s Public Health Options

Get your master’s degree in public health, international public health, epidemiology & biostatistics, social behavioral health, health education, nursing public health, public policy or environmental science in Idaho – online options available. Contact a school today for more info.

Featured MPH Programs Located in Idaho

There aren’t a lot of options for higher education in Idaho. However, the schools that do exist are designed to provide students with rewarding educational opportunities to take their careers to the next level. The growing demand for MPH degree holders has created an increase in the focus on quality public health education paths at various schools around the state, ensuring that you can get the education that you deserve when your career dreams are in the public health industry.

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Boise State University Master’s in Public Health Program

Boise State University is a leading college in the state of Idaho, providing dozens of graduate level programs and hundreds of undergraduate areas of study. Students can depend on a liberal arts education, as well as access to distance learning and other programs, including a top-rated school of engineering and school of health sciences. The focus is on providing high-quality, relevant education for students in a format that works for them.

Master’s in Public Health

The Master’s in Health Sciences programs at Boise State focus on preparing students for rewarding careers in a variety of health sciences fields, including public health. Students can choose from specialties in environmental health, evaluation and research, health policy, health promotion, and health services leadership. All students must complete the required core courses based on their chosen specialty as well as a practicum or thesis project to earn the MPH degree that they desire.

Contact Information

Address: Graduate College, Boise State University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID 83725
Phone: 208-426-3903

Idaho State University Master’s in Public Health Program

Idaho State University has been a leader in innovative education since the beginning of time. Because of the largely unpopulated nature of the state, the need for distance learning has always been an issue here. As such, the school focuses on providing traditional education to those who come to campus and other opportunities for those who are unable to attend the traditional programs. All of their education is focused on bringing students to the next level for successful careers with state-of-the-art resources and programs.

Master’s in Public Health

Students in this program will complete courses via traditional and/or online programs that will help them study all of the core areas such as epidemiology, biostatistics, behavior, public health, administration, infectious diseases, and more. They are required to complete all necessary courses and then create a thesis project that will be approved and accepted before the MPH degree is awarded.

Contact Information

Address: Idaho State University Public Health Program, Beckley Nursing Building #307, 921 South 8th Ave Stop 8002, Pocatello, Idaho 83209
Phone: 202-282-2842

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Capella University Master’s in Public Health Program

Capella University is an online program that also offers campuses throughout the nation. This school was developed for working professionals who want to further their education. All programs are based on self-study and focused on helping students succeed, despite their obstacles. The school is among the best for online education at the graduate level simply because of the programs and structure that they have in place for their students.

Master’s in Public Health

The MPH program at Capella University is designed to prepare students for careers in social welfare, public health management, and research careers within the public health sector. Courses include things like psychology and behavioral programs, public health, environmental health, biostatistics, and other standard courses. Students must also complete the practicum, as is standard with graduate degrees. This program also includes specializations in public health management and policy, as well as social and behavioral sciences for those who want them.

Contact Information

Address: Capella University, Capella Tower, 225 South 6th Street, 9th Floor, Minneapolis, MN 55402
Phone: 866-283-7921

100% Online MPH Programs for Idaho Students; No GRE Required!

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