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Research online public health courses from the world’s leading universities as well as lessor known yet reputable institutions. Continuing Education Credits are available with most of the free options. Note: There is no Ranking involved in this list they are all equally as valuable.
The single largest collection of online public health courses in the world!
The staff at MPHProgramsList.com has curated a monster list of nearly 200 free online courses (and growing!) in public health and public health related fields such as epidemiology, disease, biostatistics, social and behavioral sciences and more. Click on any of these courses right now. If you want to be added for free just contact us. Click here if you’re looking for Online public health degrees.
Course providers in this list include the following: Harvard University Extension, edX, The Open Academy, Johns Hopkins, Tufts University, M.I.T, Unite for Sight’s Global Health Univ, Global Health eLearning Center, Coursera, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), University at Albany, Public Health Agency of Canada, University of Alabama at Birmingham, World Health Organization (WHO.Int), EBBP.org (affiliated with Northwestern University), Michigan Public Health Training Center, Canvas Network, SOPHE, Apple iTunes, Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics, National Center for Disaster for Preparedness, PAHO. Some courses via Coursera and Open Academy are offered through University of Berkeley & Yale Univ.
CDC Environmental Health Tracking Program
- Environmental Public Health Tracking 101 (Tracking 101) – This course gives an overview of the major components of Environmental Public Health Tracking. The course is divided into 12 modules within 3 sections. Each module focuses on a different subject. You may choose to take as many of the modules as you like, in any order. There is no cost to view and complete the course. Free continuing education is available from NEHA and CDC. Credit available!
- Tracking in Action: Workforce Implementation -This course demonstrates how Environmental Public Health Tracking programs work with local health departments and community based organizations. It provides real-life examples of grantee Tracking Programs and Networks and how they have partnered with local programs and organizations to identify and combat environmental health concerns. This course contains information from the California, Florida and New Mexico tracking programs as well as the CDC National Tracking Program & Network. Credit available!
Harvard University Extension
- Introduction to Epidemiology – Harvard Extension – This course is an introduction to the basic principles and methods used in epidemiologic research. Applications to public health and strategies for disease prevention are also discussed.
- Vaccines for the New Millennium – Harvard Extension – Students taking this course will learn current strategies in the development of vaccines against potential infections and infectious diseases affecting undeveloped countries, and various populations. Technologies used for vaccine development, and case studies from current scientific literature will be discussed
- Justice in Health: Ethics of Public Health in the Contemporary World – Harvard Extension – Central issues in the philosophy of healthcare are discussed in this course. Fundamental questions about healthcare and its moral importance will be explored in discussions such as healthcare and human rights, and controversial issues such as reproductive rights.
- Case Studies in Global Health: Biosocial Perspectives – Harvard Extension – This course examines a collection of global health problems rooted in rapidly changing social structures that transcend national and other administrative boundaries. Students focus on how a broad biosocial analysis might improve the delivery of services designed to lessen the burden of disease, especially among those living in poverty.
- Effective Communication Tools for Healthcare Professionals 100 – Train.org – The primary target audiences for this course are individuals and teams who provide health services and health information. This audience includes physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, physician assistants, hospital and health care administrators, health educators,community health and outreach workers, social workers, academic faculty, staff such as receptionists and office management staff.
- Ready? Set? Test? Patient Testing is Important. Get the Right Results – Train.org – Learners are individuals who perform testing in waived testing sites (mainly physician offices, nursing facilities, home health agencies, clinics, pharmacies and others) throughout the United States. They include a variety of individuals, primarily those who do not have formal laboratory training.
- Family Disaster Planning – Train.org – This course describes different types of disasters and how individuals and families can better prepare. The module takes approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. Upon completion of the module, send a copy of your completed Family Disaster Plan to your MRC Coordinator.
- Cultural Diversity, Health Disparities, and Public Health – Train.org – A primary aim of this course is to provide public health professionals with a broad overview of cultural diversity issues with a focus on race/ethnicity and gender. Health disparities, a major public health problem of interest, is discussed using cultural diversity as the conceptual framework for thinking about the role of the public health community and health policy solutions for addressing these issues.
The Open Academy
- Ethical Challenges in Public Health Interventions: Catastrophic and Routine – University of Berkeley – Ethical challenges in public health interventions: Catastrophic and routine by professor Harvey Kayman of the University of California, Berkeley.
- Public Health Preparedness and Emergency Response – University of Berkeley – Public Health Preparedness and Emergency Response by professor Thomas Aragon.
- Malaria and Alzheimer Diseases – Johns Hopkins University – In these interviews, JHSPH faculty deliver expert insight into some of the most important public health challenges, such as malaria and alzheimer, facing the world today.
- Epidemiologic Methods II – University of Berkeley – Epidemiologic methods II by professor Jennifer Ahern of the University of California, Berkeley. Lecture 8 is not available due to copyright restrictions.
- Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Diseases – University of Berkeley – Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Diseases with Tomas Aragon of the University of California, Berkeley.
- Capitalism; Success, Crisis and Reform – Yale University – In this course, we will seek to interpret capitalism using ideas from biological evolution: firms pursuing varied strategies and facing extinction when those strategies fail are analogous to organisms struggling for survival in nature. For this reason, it is less concerned with ultimate judgment of capitalism than with the ways it can be shaped to fit our more specific objectives for the natural environment, public health, alleviation of poverty, and development of human potential in every child. Each book we read will be explicitly or implicitly an argument about good and bad consequences of capitalism.
- Epidemics in Western Society Since 1600 – Yale University – This course consists of an international analysis of the impact of epidemic diseases on western society and culture from the bubonic plague to HIV/AIDS and the recent experience of SARS and swine flu. Leading themes include: infectious disease and its impact on society; the development of public health measures; the role of medical ethics; the genre of plague literature; the social reactions of mass hysteria and violence; the rise of the germ theory of disease; the development of tropical medicine; a comparison of the social, cultural, and historical impact of major infectious diseases; and the issue of emerging and re-emerging diseases.
University of Sheffield School of Health and Related Research (Now hosted on Futurelearn.
- Valuing Health – This course, you’ll learn how health outcome measuring can help us to make more informed decisions about where to spend our limited healthcare budgets.
- Health Technology Assessment – This course introduces you to Health Technology Assessment (HTA) as a concept (what it is, what it involves) and then takes you through the key stages in the HTA and decision-making process.
Johns Hopkins Opencourseware Consortium
- Over 105 Free Online Courses Available – John Hopkins Opencourseware Consortium – Find open public health courses and materials.
Tufts University Open Courseware
- Oral Public Health and Community Service – Tufts University – This course teaches you about how public health, civic engagement and community service are directly related to public health and well being. Also, students learn about the basics of biostatistics and epidemiology, as well as their most practical applications in public health.
- Health in Numbers: Quantitative Methods in Clinical & Public Health Research – Harvard University/edX – Quantitative Methods in Clinical and Public Health Research is the online adaptation of material from the Harvard School of Public Health’s classes in epidemiology and biostatistics.
Unite For Sight’s Global Health University
- Certificate in Global Health – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – This program is designed for those interested in learning about the fundamentals of quality global health delivery. Participants will learn the best how to delivery quality healthcare programs and develop the capacity to evaluate, implement, support, and design global health delivery programs.
- Certificate in Global Health Practice – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – This course prepares students and professionals healthcare delivery in a resource-poor location. Participants will learn about cultural competency, cultural awareness, and ethics and professionalism while working in an international setting.
- Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – Students in this program will learn about social entrepreneurship, innovation, and successful strategies in scaling ideas. The complexities of global health and the ethics of innovation, and the theory and practices of social entrepreneurship will be taught.
- Certificate in Global Health Research – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – This certificate teaches students and professionals important research strategies that ensure quality design and implementation of a field-based research study. Participants learn how to design and implement a quality global health-focused research study.
- Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation – Unite For Sight’s Global Health – Students in the Monitoring and Evaluation course will learn about the importance of outcomes and impact in global health interventions. Participants learn about disease surveillance and evaluation of impact in public health programs.
- Certificate in Global Health Technology – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – The Global Health Technology program is designed for those interested in learning about the steps and challenges involved in designing and implementing technology to improve public health.
- Certificate in Health Education Strategies – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – This program is designed for those interested in health education programs. Students learn about the complexities and realities of health education and health promotion, while also exploring common cultural, religious, language, and social barriers that impede health education.
- Certificate in Responsible NGO Management – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – The Certificate in Responsible NGO Management is designed for those involved with or leading an NGO. Participants gain a comprehensive understanding about program development, partnerships, and measuring results.
- Certificate in Maternal and Child Health – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – The Maternal and Child Health course is designed for those interested in learning about global health and the unique barriers to healthcare that face women and children. Students will learn about issues in maternal and child survival, and about innovations in healthcare for women and children.
- Certificate in Refugee Health – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – The Refugee Health certificate provides an understanding patient care, innovations in healthcare, and education for those in refugee camps. Participants learn about refugee camp economies, local social entrepreneurship, and cross-cultural understanding.
- Certificate in Urban Health – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – This course is designed to teach students about the unique challenges relating to public health in urban areas. Some areas of focus will be water, sanitation, air pollution, and other concepts relating to urban health.
- Certificate in Community Development – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – The Community Development course offers an understanding about best practices and strategies in community development. Participants study the complexities of community development, as well as the theory, history, and practices of community development.
- Certificate in Cultural Competency – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – Cultural Competency education is intended for those working in an international setting. Students learn about cultural awareness, and explore material such as language barriers, how to work with translators, cultural differences and cultural understanding and ethics.
- Certificate in Social Marketing and Entrepreneurship – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – The Social Marketing and Entrepreneurship course provides a broad understanding about spending practices at the Base of the Pyramid. Material focuses on innovation, entrepreneurship, management, social marketing, and social mobilization in developing countries.
- Certificate in Community Eye Health – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – Participants in this program learn about the best practices in global health and community eye health. The course material explores medication management, measuring outcomes, metrics, and quality healthcare delivery.
- Certificate in Environmental Health – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – The Certificate in Environmental Health gives students a wide-ranging understanding about environmental health, together with innovation and social entrepreneurship strategies in environmental health.
- Certificate in Nutrition, Food, and Hunger – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – Students in this program learn about malnutrition, food distribution, health problems associated with hunger and other related topics, which are integral to global health. This certificate program is designed to give information on global health challenges and potential solutions relating to nutrition and food accessibility
- Certificate in Surgery and Global Health – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – This course focuses on issues in global health challenges and topics related to surgery. Participants learn about surgery ethics, emergency care, how to cope with a lack of surgical resources.
- Certificate in Effective Program Development – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – This course provides a comprehensive understanding about program development, outcomes, and evidence-based program design. Students learn effective strategies for program development, metrics, and impact.
- Certificate in Public Health Management – Unite For Sight’s Global Health University – The Public Health Management course provides a comprehensive understanding about public health management and partnerships. Materials taught will include information about community-level challenges in global health delivery, and how to use data in public health delivery.
Global Health eLearning Center
- Child Survival – Global Health eLearning Center – The child survival and disease control course will include learning about oral rehydration therapy (ORT) and zinc supplementation to treat diarrhea; basic immunizations for common ailments; and micronutrient supplementation to treat malnutrition.
- Cross-Cutting – Global Health eLearning Center – Cross cutting topics address areas such as the management of logistics and commodities for health, environmental issues, and health systems strengthening. This can apply to one or more technical areas in health sector programming at USAID.
- Family Planning and Reproductive Health – Global Health eLearning Center – This course will cover family planning and safe motherhood. Topics will include the counseling of couples to determine whether, when, and how many children to have, and the economic and social benefits for families and communities.
- Gender and Health – Global Health eLearning Center – Coursework in this program will discuss gender and the differences and the inequalities between men and women in program planning, implementation, and assessment. Equality in gender is vitally important to USAID programming.
- Health Systems – Global Health eLearning Center – Fully functioning health systems are fundamental to ensuring a standard of effective health measures. This course will discuss health systems and how strong programs provide support to ensure that developing country health systems are effective, well-organized, and unbiased.
- HIV/AIDS – Global Health eLearning Center – Students in this program will learn about the global HIV/AIDS problem worldwide. Topics covered in this profound global issue will include prevention, care, and treatment.
- Infectious Diseases – Global Health eLearning Center – This course will discuss the prevention of infectious diseases, such as malaria and tuberculosis, while simultaneously strengthening the treatment and control programs that exist in health care systems. Control of infectious diseases is vital to decreasing the global disease burden.
- Maternal Health – Global Health eLearning Center – This course will explore the direct causes of maternal morbidity and mortality. The health of the mother is critical to enduring the health of her newborn baby, and topic covered in the course will include hemorrhage, infection, high blood pressure, unsafe abortion, and obstructed labor.
- Neonatal Health – Global Health eLearning Center – This course will teach students about the critical importance of the first days and weeks of life, and its significance to future health. Neonatal death accounts for nearly two-thirds of 6.5 million infant deaths each year.
- AIDS – Coursera – Emory University professor Kimberly Sessions Hagan. This course will discuss HIV/AIDS in the US and around the world including its history, science, and culture as well as developments in behavioral and biomedical prevention, experimental AIDS vaccines, and clinical care issues. The course will also include a discussion of the populations that are particularly vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and a look at future challenges facing people infected and affected by the AIDS pandemic.
- An Introduction to the U.S. Food System: Perspectives from Public Health – Coursera – This program explores how food intersects with public health and the environment as it moves from field to plate. In this course, you will get an introduction to the U.S. food system and how food production practices and what we choose to eat impacts the world in which we live.
- Vaccines – Coursera – Students in this course will discuss issues regarding vaccines and vaccine safety. They will also learn the history, science, benefits, and risks of vaccines, together with the controversies surrounding vaccines.
- Community Change in Public Health – Coursera – This course examines the community context of the changes needed to promote the public’s health. Students examine the concept of participation in an effort to see how different levels of involvement may affect sustainability of community change efforts.
- Critical Thinking in Global Challenges – Coursera – In this course will learn to think to think critically, assess information and develop reasoned arguments in the context of the global challenges facing society today.
- Contraception: Choices, Culture and Consequences – Coursera – Students in this program will learn about the wide range of contraceptive methods, and the public health implications related to the access of information and choices about reproductive health.
- General Environmental Health – CDC – (Sharunda Buchanan, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Center for Environmental Health/Division of Emergency and Environmental Health Services – CDC [CDC/NCEH/EEHS]; and Charles Otto, CDC/NCEH/EEHS/Environmental Health Services Branch [EHSB]).
- Statutes and Regulations – CDC (David Maxey, Jefferson County Department of Health).
- Food Protection – CDC (Alan Tart, U.S. Food and Drug Administration).
- Potable Water – CDC (Joe Cotruvo, Joseph Cotruvo & Associates; and Mike Herring, CDC/NCEH/EEHS/EHSB).
- Wastewater – CDC (Allen Tartt, AOWA Training Center, University of West Alabama).
- Solid and Hazardous Waste – CDC (Jason Kirby, University of Alabama Birmingham [UAB] School of Engineering).
- Hazardous Materials – CDC (Jason Kirby, UAB School of Engineering).
- Zoonoses, Vectors, Pests, and Weeds – CDC (Matt Vanderpool, Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness).
- Radiation Protection – CDC (Norman Bolus, UAB School of Health Professions Nuclear Medicine Technology Program).
- Occupational Safety and Health – CDC (Elizabeth Maples, UAB School of Public Health Environmental Health Sciences).
- Air Quality and Environmental Noise – CDC (Corey Masuca, Jefferson County Department of Health).
- Housing Sanitation and Safety – CDC (Genevieve Birkby, Baltimore City Health Department).
- Institutions and Licensed Establishments – CDC (Leon Vinci, Health Promotion Consultants / Bailus Walker, Howard University / Vince Radke (CDC/NCEH/EEHS/EHSB); and Jasen Kunz, CDC/NCEH/EEHS/EHSB).
- Swimming Pools and Recreational Facilities – CDC (Troy Perry, Jefferson County Department of Health).
- Disaster Sanitation – CDC (Mark Miller, CDC/NCEH/EEHS/EHSB).
University at Albany Center for Preparedness
- Working in a Point of Dispensing (POD) – Univ at Albany – There are a number of situations where local public health departments might need to mobilize a point of distribution (POD) to dispense medication or vaccinate a large group of people. “Working in a POD” provides you with an understanding of what a POD is, how it operates, and what functional roles you may be assigned as a volunteer serving in a POD.
- Personal Safety and Health for Emergency Responders – Univ at Albany – As a community health center, your facility has a responsibility for the care and treatment of the people that live within your community. This care and treatment extends beyond routine primary care. Your health center will be a focal point during emergencies, both large and small, that impact the community in which you operate.
- Emergency Management and Preparedness Planning for Community Health Center Leaders – Univ at Albany – The earliest recognized case of the 2009 Novel H1N1 (then referred to as “Swine Flu”) occurred in Mexico on March 17, 2009. On April 15, 2009 laboratory tests confirm H1N1 infection in California. By the end of May 2009, every U.S. region was affected, as were 48 countries around the world, by this novel influenza virus.
- Preparedness & Community Response to H1N1 – Univ at Albany – This course provides an overview of the 2009 Novel H1N1 pandemic, a real-life case study that reinforces the CPHP course “Preparedness & Community Response to Pandemics.”
- Special Medical Needs Shelters – Univ at Albany – This course is intended for anyone who may volunteer or be assigned to work in a special medical needs shelter during a disaster response, as well as local and state government employees and local leaders who may be involved with planning such a shelter.
- Emergency Animal Sheltering – Univ at Albany – This course is geared toward anyone who may provide services (clinical, managerial, administrative) or other assistance to an animal sheltering operation, including veterinarians, public health professionals, SPCA/Humane Society staff, emergency management officials and any other individuals concerned with animal safety and welfare.
- Long-term Care Facilities: Emergency Preparedness Plans – Univ at Albany – This course is intended for community-based physicians, nurses, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants and other staff members who work in long-term care facilities.
- Ethics and Public Health in an Age of Terrorism – Univ at Albany – This course is intended for public health personnel, first responders, and other preparedness stakeholders. It will also be of interest to leaders of community organizations whose efforts will be needed in meeting the problems resulting from catastrophic events – natural or man-made
- Basic Emergency Preparedness for Staff of Community Health Facilities – Univ at Albany – This course is intended for community-based physicians, nurses, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants and others working as staff members in such facilities as community health centers, long-term care facilities, assisted living facilities and private practice sites. Based on your response about the type of facility, you will see a course that is specific to your general kind of facility.
- Risk Communication for Community Health Centers – Univ at Albany – The course is intended for clinicians and managers in community practice sites who might interact with the public or with the media during a public health emergency. This might include community-based physicians, nurses, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants and others working as staff members in such facilities as community health centers, long-term care facilities, and assisted living facilities.
- Detecting Bioterror (Forensic Epidemiology) – Univ at Albany – This course is intended for public health professionals, medical examiners, coroners, EMT’s, firefighters, law enforcement officers, and laboratory personnel.
- Zoonosis, Preparedness, and Public Health – Univ at Albany -Local health department personnel and their emergency response partners. Individuals working with animals, such as veterinarians, producers, farmers and shelter staff may also benefit from taking this course.
- Your Family Disaster Plan – Univ at Albany – This course is intended for the general public (Anyone who might be called to respond to an emergency that might keep them away from home for a period of time should consider taking “Personal Preparedness” instead of this course. This would include people working in public health or healthcare as well as volunteers such as members of the Medical Reserve Corps or Community Emergency Response Teams.)
- County Animal Response Team – Univ at Albany – New CART members or those who are interested in joining a CART, such as veterinary clinic staff, animal/dog control officers, SPCA/Humane society staff, emergency management personnel, public health professionals or any other individuals concerned with animal safety and welfare
- Mass Dispensing: A Primer for Community Leaders – Univ at Albany – This course is intended for community leaders, including elected officials, who might play a role in mass dispensing for their community.
- Nuclear Terrorism: Pathways & Prevention – Univ at Albany – The primary audience is bioterrorism coordinators, public health professionals, other clinical professionals, and other emergency responders. We recommend taking this course along with the relevant modules of one of these UAlbany online courses: “Terrorism, Preparedness, and Public Health” and “Emergency Preparedness Training for Hospital Clinicians.” This will provide a more complete picture of the implications for public health and healthcare. This course might also be useful for anyone interested in an overview of nuclear weapons and materials and their potential use by terrorists.
- Emergency Preparedness Training for Hospital Clinicians – Univ at Albany – Web-based course that provides hospital and community-based clinicians with awareness level training concerning appropriate responses to emergency events whether they be biological, chemical, explosive, radiological or nuclear incidents.
- HazMat Transportation Incidents: Using the Emergency Response Guidebook – Univ at Albany – The primary audience is bioterrorism coordinators, environmental health staff, and other public health staff who might be involved in emergency response. This course could also be used to train other first responders such as EMS and firefighters.
- Personal Preparedness – Univ at Albany – This course is intended for anyone who might be called to respond to an emergency that might keep them away from home for an indeterminate period of time, including public health or healthcare professionals and volunteers, such as members of the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) or Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT).
- Preparedness & Community Response to Pandemics – Univ at Albany – The course is intended for a broad range of public health professionals and community responders including bioterrorism coordinators, public health professionals and other clinical professionals.
- Terrorism, Preparedness, and Public Health: An Introduction – Univ at Albany – Any individual interested in getting a general understanding of terrorism and its effect on public health practice.
Public Health Agency of Canada
- Basic Epidemiological Concepts – Public Health Agency of Canada – This module will introduce you to the field of epidemiology as it pertains to the practice of public health. The focus is on fundamental concepts in epidemiology, including causation, the epidemiologic triad, public health surveillance, and the natural history of disease, all grounded in the public health approach.
- Measurement of Health Status – Public Health Agency of Canada – This module will introduce you to the various tools, methods, measures and data sources used to evaluate aspects of health in your community, health region and/or province or territory.
- Epidemiological Methods – Public Health Agency of Canada – This module will introduce you specific approaches and methods used in public health epidemiology. It is the third module in a suite of three introductory modules focused on epidemiology and public health.
- Outbreak Investigation and Management – Public Health Agency of Canada – The goal of this module is to introduce the basic principles and steps involved in the investigation and management of outbreaks.
- Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases – Public Health Agency of Canada – The overall purpose of this module is to advance your knowledge and understanding of the epidemiology of chronic disease, health determinants and risk factors. Learning materials focus on the basic concepts, determinants, risk factors and interventions to prevent and/or control chronic disease.
- Applied Epidemiology: Injuries – Public Health Agency of Canada – This module introduces you to the basic concepts in injury epidemiology; the study of the distribution and determinants of injury in a defined population and its application to the control of injury events.
- Introduction to Surveillance – Public Health Agency of Canada – This module aims to advance your knowledge and ability to participate in the various aspects of the public health surveillance cycle and to use public health surveillance systems to move data from information to action in the workplace.
- Communicating Data Effectively – Public Health Agency of Canada – This module builds on the basic concepts of communication, outlined briefly in the SUR1 Module: Introduction to Surveillance. Learning materials focus on the central elements of communication, the ethical principles and approaches in relation to it and offer suggestions for communicating surveillance data effectively – one of the essential steps of the surveillance cycle.
- Introduction to Biostatistics – Public Health Agency of Canada – The overall purpose of this module is to give you a basic understanding of statistics so you can read articles and do simple statistical analyses of common public health data.
- Evidence Based Public Health Practice – Public Health Agency of Canada – Public health practitioners are increasingly applying an evidence-based approach to program planning, implementation and evaluation in order to respond to new and ongoing challenges. This module will introduce you to concepts associated with evidence-based public health practice.
World Health Organization
- Introductory Course of Patient Safety – WHO.Int – A free on-line course is available to introduce the basic elements of patient safety research.
EBBP.org – affiliated with Northwestern University
- Collaborative Decision-Making with Communities – Learn about the collaborative decision-making process as a public health practitioner working with communities. You will work through a case from the point of view of a public health program manager working in a local health department.
Michigan Public Health Training Center
- Measuring Health Disparities (DL) MHDID0806 – Michigan PH Training Center – This interactive course focuses on some basic issues for public health practice — how to understand, define and measure health disparity. This course examines the language of health disparity to come to some common understanding of what that term means, explains key measures of health disparity and shows how to calculate them. This computer-based course provides a durable tool that is useful to daily activities in the practice of public health.
Canvas Network
- International Health Systems– University of Central Florida – The purpose of this course is not only to learn about the way different cultures and individuals perceive and approach health care, but also how health professionals and organizations respond to managing health systems and providing healthcare. Most importantly, it is about how you can use this knowledge to continuously improve your performance and that of your peers and influence health services and organizations in your communities.
Society for Public Health Education
- Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice – SOPHE – 1) Differentiate between different levels of evaluation and demonstrate best practices for evaluating and sustaining health promotion programs, 2) Describe funding sources and tips for writing sections of a grant proposal, 3) Develop an action plan for implementing health promotion programs, 4) Discuss the detailed steps in conducting a community assessment, 5) Describe the role of health promotion in fostering public health and the various health promotion settings.
The World Bank Health Systems Practice
- Basics of Health Economics – The World Bank – The program offers 4 separate courses (Health Outcomes and the Poor; Strengthening the Essential Public Health Functions; Gender, Health and Poverty; and Basics of Health Economics) with multiple offerings of each during the year. Some e-courses are offered in multiple languages.
Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics
- Ethical Challenges in Short-Term Global Health Training – Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics/Stanford University -This series of cases introduces trainees and others involved in global health research and service to ethical issues that may arise during short-term training experiences abroad. Being able to recognize and navigate these issues is critical for avoiding harm to communities as well as facilitating a long-term, productive collaboration for the betterment of global health (1). The Working Group on Ethics Guidelines for Global Health Training (WEIGHT) has recently published best practice guidelines for this setting (2).
Columbia/National Center for Disaster Preparedness
- Rapid Needs Assessment with Hand Held Devices – Columbia/National Center for Disaster Preparedness- A discussion on the challenges of rapid field response after large scale disasters, and the solution offered by using mobile GIS hand-held devices for data collection in a rapid needs assessment. Several case study examples in which hand-held devices have been used are provided, as well as an evolving list of other potential uses of such devices.
- Analysis of Information in Humanitarian Emergencies – Columbia/National Center for Disaster Preparedness- This video based lecture series conducted by Professor Richard Garfield, PhD, Columbia University School of Nursing, covers ways to analyze information during major humanitarian emergencies.
- Surveillance and Forecasting of Emerging Infectious Diseases – Columbia/National Center for Disaster Preparedness- Stephen S. Morse, PhD, Columbia University Professor of Epidemiology and Director, USAID PREDICT, discusses global capacity to monitor diseases at the animal-human interface and develop a risk-based approach to concentrate these efforts in surveillance, prevention, and response at the most critical points for disease emergence from wildlife.
- Spatial Approaches to Disaster Epidemiology: Dr. Snow Meets the Rev. Bayes – Columbia/National Center for Disaster Preparedness- Charles DiMaggio, PhD, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Columbia University, discusses the benefits of incorporating Bayesian hierarchical modeling into spatial analysis of public health data. (Created: Nov. 2009)
University of Southampton
- Nutrition State and Assessment – University of Southampton – This course has been developed for undergraduate medical students. Module 1 explains what growth, development and ageing are; the processes through which they occur and their relationship to nutrition.
- Caring for Infants and Children with Acute Malnutrition– University of Southampton, Faculty of Medicine – Course produced jointly by University of Southampton (uk) and International Malnutrition Task Force, based on 10 steps of WHO guidance. This is a free online course, for doctors, nurses, public health staff and nutritionists. The course takes about 6-8 hours to complete, and can be done in sections. Suitable for individual study but could also used a teaching material in formal teaching setting.
The Royal Veterinary College
- Risk Analysis in Health and Food Safety – RVC and EpiX Analytics – The Royal Veterinary College – Risk analysis is an increasingly important tool used by national and international agencies, public health and veterinary services, and the food industry to support decision around health and food safety. This postgraduate certificate is aimed at providing the skills for cutting-edge and in-depth practice in quantitative risk analysis in health and food safety, and builds on previously successful training programs delivered by the Veterinary Epidemiology & Public Health group of the Royal Veterinary College and EpiX Analytics. The course is among the first recognized qualifications in risk analysis in health and food safety, awarded by the University of London. It offers candidates the opportunity to develop hands-on work skills and tailor their studies to their own professional and development needs.
PAHO (Pan American Health Organization)
- Primary Health Care-based Pharmaceutical Services for Managers – PAHO – The 190-hour, 19-week course is designed for professionals involved in management, administration and technical activities in public sector pharmaceutical services as well academics in public health and pharmacy education, professionals involved in pharmacy service delivery, and those involved in pharmaceutical delivery research.
- Self-learning Virtual Course Gender and Health – PAHO
- Education program for people with type 2 Diabetes – PAHO
- Research Ethics in Human Subjects – PAHO – The program CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) offers since 2000 training in research ethics on the Internet. This program is administered by the University of Miami, WHO Collaborating Center for Ethics and Global Health Policy, and seeks to meet the highest standards of education institutions in different areas of research ethics, such as the protection of subjects human research and the responsible conduct of research.
- Responsible Conduct of Research – PAHO – The program CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) offers since 2000 training in research ethics on the Internet. This program is administered by the University of Miami, WHO Collaborating Center for Ethics and Global Health Policy, and seeks to meet the highest standards of education institutions in different areas of research ethics, such as the protection of subjects human research and the responsible conduct of research.
- Rotavirus ProVac – PAHO – The ProVac Rotavirus e-Learning Course is a practical tool designed to aid health care administrators in making evidence-based decisions regarding vaccine introduction into national immunization programs.
- Pneumococcal ProVac – PAHO – The ProVac Pneumococcal e-Learning Course is a practical tool designed to aid policy makers, national-level managers of immunization programs and other experts, with different base levels of knowledge, with the decision-making process regarding the introduction of conjugate pneumococcal vaccines to national schedules of immunization.
- Tobacco and Public Health – PAHO – Describe and analyze the issue of smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke at the global and regional level; Disseminate tobacco control measures contained in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control; Analyze the factors that influence smoking uptake and persistence among young people and much more.
- Risk Communication Virtual Course in Public Health – PAHO – Produced by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), this course provides the basis upon which to design and implement a risk communication strategy that serves as a fundamental tool for facilitating the rapid response and control for any public health emergency.
- Virtual Course in Diabetes Self-Learning – PAHO
- Course Access Management Resources and Social Networking – PAHO
- An Ethnic Approach to Health – PAHO
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Open School
- PH 101: Introduction to Population Health – IHI – This course will introduce you to the concept of population health — a different way of thinking about how and why some of us enjoy healthy lives and others do not.
- PFC 101: Dignity and Respect – IHI – What does it mean to treat patients and families with dignity and respect? It means that health care providers listen to and honor patient and family perspectives and choices. Providers incorporate patient and family knowledge, values, beliefs, and cultural background into the planning and delivery of care.
- L 101: So You Want to Be a Leader in Health Care – IHI – When you think of a leader, what comes to mind? A president? A CEO? No matter what your position or formal title is, you can be a leader. In this course, you’ll zoom in on a hospital that’s having some trouble with infection control. As you grapple with this case, you’ll learn that leadership isn’t a position of authority—it’s an action.
- PS 100: Introduction to Patient Safety – IHI – No one embarks on a health care career intending to harm patients. But much too often, patients die or suffer injuries from the care they receive. In this course, you’ll learn why becoming a student of patient safety is critical for everyone involved in health care today.
- PS 101: Fundamentals of Patient Safety – IHI – This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of patient safety. You’ll learn the different types of errors, why errors occur, and how they can be prevented. You’ll understand effective and ineffective strategies for responding to errors when they do occur – especially with the goal of reducing, and ultimately eliminating, the chance that they’ll occur again.
- PS 102: Human Factors and Safety – IHI – This course is an introduction to the field of “human factors”: how to incorporate knowledge of human behavior, especially human frailty, in the design of safe systems. You’ll explore case studies to analyze the human factors issues involved in health care situations.
- PS 104: Root Cause and Systems Analysis – IHI – This course introduces students to a systematic response to error called root cause analysis (RCA). The goal of RCA is to learn from adverse events and prevent them from happening in the future. The three lessons in this course explain RCA in detail, using case studies and examples from both industry and health care.
- PS 105: Communicating with Patients after Adverse Events – IHI – You chose to work in health care in order to care for people. So when you accidentally harm a patient, it can be exceptionally hard to talk about it. In this course, you’ll learn why communicating with patients after adverse events can feel so difficult for health care professionals – and why it’s nonetheless essential.
- PS 106: Introduction to the Culture of Safety – IHI – As long as human beings provide health care, mistakes and errors will occur. However, health care providers can reduce the likelihood of such mistakes and errors, and limit their impact, by fostering a “culture of safety.” This is an environment that encourages people to speak up about safety concerns, makes it safe to talk about mistakes and errors, and encourages learning from these events.
Nurse.com Continuing Education
- 650+ Continuing Education Courses in Public Health, Bioethics, Diabetes, Infectious Disease/Control and more – Nurse.com Continuing Education – Trusted by over 1 million nurses across America, Nurse.com is the most effective way to complete your continuing education requirements, and get the tools you need to thrive. All courses featuring text, audio, video, webinars, and live seminars. Instant CE certification, printable transcripts and live seminars.
MIT OpenCourseWare
- The Challenge of World Poverty – MIT – This is a course for those who are interested in the challenge posed by massive and persistent world poverty, and are hopeful that economists might have something useful to say about this challenge.
- Chemicals in the Environment: Toxicology and Public Health – MIT – This class will educate you on how exposure to dangerous chemicals can have an effect on human diseases and public health. Topics include approaches of epidemiology to understand the causes of disease; biostatistical methods; evaluating chemical exposure to human populations, and how these chemicals react in the human body.
- Climate Change and Health– This Climate Change and Health Certificate teaches about the effects of climate change on human health (through online didactics), and gives a chance to practice techniques to reduce those effects (with globally-available peers and mentors). All components of this training (like all NextGenU.org trainings) are free, including registration, learning, testing, and a certificate of completion.
- Emergency Medicine – This course is an introduction to Emergency Medicine (EM), intended to provide the knowledge needed for a month-long EM rotation for clinically-prepared medical students, residents, or practicing physicians.
- Environmental Health -This introductory course in Environmental Health is intended for undergraduate- and graduate-level students of medicine, environmental sciences or public health, and provides foundational theoretical and practical knowledge and skills. All components of this training (like all NextGenU.org trainings) are free, including registration, learning, testing, and a certificate of completion.
Universal Class
- Elderly Patient Advocate – Universal Class – Welcome to advocacy for the elderly patient. With growing numbers of seniors in our aging population, families and extended family members are finding themselves in a position where they’re providing for some or all of the care for their senior loved ones.
- Child Abuse Recognition, Investigation, and Protection – Universal Class – Preventing child abuse is everyone’s responsibility. This includes law enforcement personnel, educational personnel, medical personnel as well as family, friends, and neighbors. Child Abuse education is important so that students may recognize various aspects of child abuse, including neglect, sexual and physical abuse, and other forms of maltreatment.
- Domestic Violence 101 – Universal Class – Domestic violence, sometimes called domestic abuse, is reaching epidemic proportions and affects men, women and children of all races and social and economic levels. In order to stem the tide of domestic abuse we have to not only stop the abuse and protect the victims, we also have to understand what triggers the abuse so that the next generation of families can learn to live abuse-free.
- History of Terrorism – Universal Class – Terrorism, is it the scourge of our time? Are you fearful of being involved in a terrorist attack? Quite frankly it almost depends on where in the world you live. It is often because a safe place today is a terror target tomorrow. With the desire on the part of the terrorists to obtain weapons of mass destruction, i.e. chemical, biological, or even a dirty bomb or nuclear bomb, the potential for a massive destructive attack increases exponentially.
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse – Universal Class – Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Awareness, Counseling and Prevention is a comprehensive course that addresses the problems of drug abuse across the spectrum, including the latest thinking about prevention and awareness. This course provides an understanding of the origins and current status of drug use, and includes special notations addressed to a person who may be experiencing problems with substance abuse.
- Alzheimers Disease 101 – Universal Class – As one of the most feared and misunderstood types of dementia affecting the elderly today, understanding Alzheimer’s and how it affects the brain is important not only for every individual, but for those diagnosed with the disease, and their caregivers. In this course, students will learn about some of the risk factors and perceived causes of Alzheimer’s disease.
- Autism 101 – Universal Class – Autism is plainly and simply a neurobiological condition (more specifically a neurodevelopmental disorder) that comes with lifelong challenges but also brings with it some fantastic lifelong opportunities for growth. Opportunities which are not only limited to the person who has the condition, but also for siblings and other family members, friends and supporters.
- Childhood Obesity 101 – Universal Class – Are you one of those parents who constantly worry about your child’s weight? Are you unsure about the kind of help and support an overweight child needs? Or are you looking for ways to prevent your child from gaining excess weight? Whichever the case, this course will provide the information and support you need.
- Fundraising 101 – Universal Class – Whether you are seeking to raise funds for your non-profit group, a worthy charity, political or religious organization, your local school or to provide community specific aid, this detailed course will provide you with everything you need to know about the basics of fundraising. Although Fundraising 101 is geared towards the novice, even those with past fundraising experience will find useful ideas and the latest information.
- Medical Terminology 101 – Universal Class – If you’re interested in pursuing a health and science career requiring the ability to communicate with physicians, dentists, or other medical professionals, this class will meet all your needs.
- Nutrition 101 – Universal Class – Improve your health and your life through nutrition and exercise. Create nutrition and health goals to motivate you to become a healthier you. Make meaningful, lasting changes to your diet that last. Review the digestion process and how our body would digest some pizza. Learn some real benefits of eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.
- HIV: Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment – Universal Class – Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment. In this course, students will learn the difference between HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Understanding the difference between the two is extremely important, not only for those recently diagnosed with HIV, but their family, friends and caregivers.
- Diabetes 101 – Universal Class – This introductory course regarding the topic of diabetes is designed to offer students a general understanding of what diabetes is, how it’s diagnosed and how it’s managed. Students will also learn the anatomy of diabetes, the body organs involved, and the different types of diabetes with which a person may be diagnosed.
University of Minnesota School of Public Health
- 100+ Continuing Education Courses & Trainings in Public Health – Online courses include epidemiology, emergency preparedness and response, occupational health and safety, and more. Continuing education credits, including Certification in Public Health (CPH) credits, are available for most offerings. The School of Public Health offers face-to-face and online continuing education for students, working professionals, and the community at large via the Centers for Public Health Education & Outreach (CPHEO).
Alison – A New World of Free Online Certified Learning
- Human Health Global Health Issues – Alison – Understanding the Importance of Global Health, Womens Health and AIDS and HIV. “Human Health 3” course examines the global health issues affecting the world today with a particular focus on the developing world. The interactive course considers a variety of topics such as, Women’s Health, HIV/AIDS, and health in infancy, childhood and adolescence. It is ideal for those in health management, the medical professions, charity and community work, HIV/AIDS awareness, and women’s health.
- Fundamentals of Virology – Alison – A virus is a small infectious particle which can only replicate inside the cells of a living organism. Most viruses are harmless to humans, some are infectious and make us ill for a short period of time such as the flu virus, but some are highly infectious and can be deadly such as the Ebola virus.
Northwest Center for Public Health Practice
- Analysis and Interpretation of Public Health Data, Part 1 – University of Washington – In the second one-hour installment of the five-part series, Basic Concepts in Data Analysis for Community Health Assessment, we begin instruction on how to analyze and interpret data for public health purposes.
- Analysis and Interpretation of Public Health Data, Part 2 – University of Washington – Epidemiology, Infectious Disease & Immunizations – In the third one-hour installment of the five-part series, Basic Concepts in Data Analysis for Community Health Assessment, we continue instruction on how to analyze and interpret data for public health purposes, begun in the preceding course
- Basic Infectious Disease Concepts in Epidemiology – University of Washington – This narrated, one-hour course introduces the concepts and principles of infectious disease in epidemiology. By the end of this course, you’ll be familiar with infectious disease agents and transmission characteristics, epidemiologic methods, and vaccination and other control measures. This is part of a nine-part series on epidemiology.
- Cause and Effect in Epidemiology – University of Washington – Determining the cause of a disease or the positive effect of a health activity is an important part of decision-making in public health. But how do we know if something actually does cause a disease or improve our health? Inferring causality is a step-by-step process requiring a variety of information.
- Disaster Behavioral Health – University of Washington – Many public health workers are confident in their ability to handle the physical tasks involved in responding to a disaster, but what about the psychological challenges?
- During and After a Disaster – University of Washington – Stress infiltrates our lives every day and has effects beyond what we usually realize. This 45-minute online course is part three of the Workforce Resiliency series, which provides information about individual and organizational resiliency in the face of stress, emergencies, and disasters.
Johns Hopkins University
- Public Health Biology – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health – This course is an introductory outlook on integrative molecular and biological problems in public health. Population biology and principles of ecology that affect public health will also be discussed. In addition, students will learn about specific diseases which have viral, bacterial and environmental origins.
- Current Issues in Public Health – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health – Students will learn about current public health topics and interactions with faculty experts. This course will concentrate on current perspectives and research findings about problems important to the health of individuals and communities.
- Fundamentals of Occupational Health – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health – This course provides an introduction to basic concepts in occupational health. This is the first course for occupational health students. Following coursework will be more specific in topic such as occupational and environmental hygiene, clinical occupational and environmental toxicology, ergonomics, occupational safety, or health law and policy etc.
UNC Center for Public Health Preparedness
- Introduction to Assessment: This presentation by Rachel Stevens, EdD, Clinical Professor, North Carolina Institute of Public Health and Senior Faculty Advisor at the UNC Center for Public Health Preparedness, gives the viewer an introduction to assessment.
- Pharmacy Training: Introduction to Bioterrorist Agents: This presentation by Heidi Sywgard, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Infectious Disease Physician for the Public Health Regional Surveillance Team Four, headquartered in Durham County, gives the viewer an introduction to the agents of bioterrorism.
- ABC’s of Pandemic Influenza: This presentation by Richard Rosselli, MPH, gives you an overview of pandemic influenza, its history, the current risk of a pandemic and what can be done to contain it.
- Business Continuity During a Flu Pandemic: This presentation by Emily Eidner, MPH-candidate and David Bergmire-Sweat, MPH, gives you an overview of continuity of operations during an influenza pandemic, focusing specifically on business continuity and public health concerns.
- Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions for Pandemic Influenza: This presentation by Emily Eidenier, MPH candidate, gives you an overview of non-pharmaceutical interventions for pandemic influenza.
- Zoonotic Diseases and Public Health: This presentation by Carl Williams, DVM, MA, gives you an overview of various zoonotic diseases, investigations of such diseases, and their importance to public health.
- Environmental Risk Assessment: This presentation by Dr. Douglas Crawford-Brown, MS, PhD, gives you an overview of key concepts in risk assessment, hazard identification, exposure and exposure-response assessment, and risk characterization.
- Descriptive Epidemiology: This training provides the learner with a basic understanding of descriptive epidemiology, focusing on prevalence and incidence and touching on the major aspects of descriptive epidemiology, which are person, place and time.
- Descriptive Epidemiology and Study Design: This presentation by Dr. Ward Cates, MD, MPH, President, Family Health Institute, Family Health International, gives the viewer an introduction to descriptive epidemiology and study design.
- Reading Epidemiologic Literature: Unit 1: This presentation by Amy Sayle, PhD, MPH, gives you an overview of scientific writing and strategies for reading epidemiologic literature.
- Epidemiology Applications: Disaster and Environmental Epidemiology: This training provides a basic understanding of the framework for epidemiology specialties with a specific emphasis on disaster epidemiology methods and environmental epidemiology.
- Epidemiology Applications: Forensic Epidemiology & Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology: This training provides a basic understanding of two sub-specialties of epidemiology: forensic epidemiology and maternal and child health epidemiology.
- Writing an Outbreak Report: This presentation developed by Sarah E. Pfau, MPH and Kim Brunette, MPH and recorded by Jennifer A. Horney, MPH gives you an overview of outbreak reports and their critical components.
- Recognizing an Outbreak: This presentation developed by Sarah E. Pfau, MPH and Kim Brunette, MPH and recorded by Jennifer A. Horney, MPH gives you an overview of the basic steps of an outbreak investigation, with a focus on case definition, case finding, verification of diagnosis, and orienting case-patient data by person, place, and time.
- Collecting Specimens in Outbreak Investigations: This issue of FOCUS discusses some of the different types of specimen collection that may be required during an outbreak, as well as some of the practical issues of clinical specimen collection, including packaging, shipping, and other logistical issues.
- Food, Nutrition & Your Health – Open2Study – Dr. Nicholas Vardaxis walks you through the basics of nutrition, how eating disorders develop, and learn the benefits of various diets.
- Understanding Common Diseases – University of Wollongong of Australia – Dr. Kylie Mansfield and Associate Professor Lyndal Parker-Newlyn explore four common diseases and body systems: how they work, how they are treated and prevented.
- Climate Change (ClimChng) – Macquarie University – Prof. Lesley Hughes and Interviews with Tim Flannery discuss how climate change will affect us, why we should care about it, and what solutions we can employ.
- Water in a Thirsty World – Open2Study – Rima Itani explores the world of water management on a drying planet.
- Emergency Management (EMG) – Massey University of New Zealand – Jon Mitchell discusses the concepts, principles and practice of Emergency Management through real-world case studies