11000 University Parkway, Pensacola, FL 32514
(850) 474-3000
MPH Program Overview
The MPH program from the University of West Florida is one of the few that is available completely online and comes with fully CEPH accreditation. The program allows students to complete their studies in their own time at their own pace. The program takes around two years for full time students to complete and three to four years for part time students to complete. As mentioned, it’s available entirely online. It’s one of the few such programs out there at the moment that is available online. However, an internship is required for graduation from the program.
MPH Curriculum and Courses
In addition to the internship requirement, the course itself is made up of a variety of classes formed from several core foundations of public health. These include:
• Epidemiology
• Social and Community Health
• Environmental and Occupational Health
• Biostatistics
• Health Administration and Management
A variety of other classes that pertain to the MPH program will be involved in the curriculum as well, and those who enroll will learn all the skills needed to enter research and leadership roles in the field.
MPH Admissions
There are various requirements for the online MPH program. These include:
• Bachelor’s or higher degree
• GRE scores from within the last five years
• 3.0 GPA or B average in undergraduate studies
• TOEFL scores if non-native English speaker
• Three letters of recommendation
• Two writing samples
• Computer competency
Additional requirements may exist as well, and more information is available on the school website.
MPH Tuition and Financial Aid
The overall cost of the program is based on a per-credit hour fee. The cost is 353 dollars for residents and 1012 dollars for nonresidents. However, Alabama residents enjoy a price of only 458 dollars per credit hour. The school offers a variety of grants, loans, and other financial aid options. Additionally, those employed by a medical facility may receive tuition assistance from their employer in some cases.