Medical College of Wisconsin MPH Program

8701 Watertown Plank Road Milwaukee, WI 53226

MPH Program Overview

The MPH program from the Medical College of Wisconsin is available entirely online and features a number of different options for those looking to take their career forward. The main program is a 42 credit hour program, but a 15 credit certificate program is available as well. The MPH program is accredited and provides a full education in the various skills and abilities needed to thrive in the field. Graduates can assume research and planning roles in a variety of different institutions and organizations including those in the public and the private sectors, making it a quality choice for anyone serious about their future.

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MPH Curriculum and Courses

As mentioned above, the MPH program here is a 42 credit hour program that is actually available online. The curriculum adheres to the same standards that one would expect from a quality MPH program and involves a number of different classes that cover a lot of different areas of study including:

• Biostatistics
• Epidemiology
• Environmental factors on health
• Research and application of data
• And much more

All of these skills are built up over the course of the program and by graduation students will thrive in all areas of the field.

MPH Admissions

In order to qualify for acceptance into the program you will need to submit a number of things to the application board including:

• Transcripts from your undergraduate studies
• Personal statement of intent
• Application form
• Three Recommendations
• GRE Score

The admissions board will then use this information to determine eligibility for acceptance into the program.

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MPH Tuition and Financial Aid

The total cost of tuition will be roughly forty three thousand dollars for full time students. The specifics of your program will have an influence on the overall tuition costs and various fees may be applied. Contacting a financial advisor will help you understand the total costs as well as determine which of the many loans, grants, and scholarships are available to you.


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